WASHINGTON – Congressman John K. Delaney announced today that he is running for President, the first Democrat to formally enter the race. The son of a union electrician, an entrepreneur and Congressman with a record of innovative thinking, Delaney will speak about this announcement Saturday in a Facebook Live broadcast in New Jersey in the working-class neighborhood where he grew up.
“The current Administration is making us less prosperous and less secure, the healthcare debacle being the most recent example of their brand of destructive partisanship,” Delaney said. “I’m running to bring a new approach to governing and economic policy that addresses our nation’s opportunities and challenges and builds a future where the middle class can grow and succeed. My candidacy is about putting our future first, which involves responding to the rapid changes occurring in the world, strengthening our economy, and building a new social contract that widens the doors of opportunity, makes people more secure, and ensures no one is left behind.”
Delaney brings to the campaign a unique, progressive perspective that combines a belief in the power of the free market economy and the necessary role for government to set the rules of the road and help those left behind. “In the end, we won’t win by just attacking Trump, we’ll win as a party – and as a nation – when we focus on the facts and take on the tough issues that confront us, beginning with mastering the challenge of continued and accelerated innovation,” Delaney said. “If we fail to put partisanship aside and address the significant economic opportunities and challenges we face, we will lose a generation to market forces and change, just like we did when our leaders failed to respond to the dislocation caused by globalization.” Delaney continued, “Building a secure future means taking on these challenges, which are bigger than any one party, and delivering on the core American promise – building an economy where success is not a birthright, but something open to all, with a helping hand and a shared commitment to help those in danger of being left behind.”
Delaney continued: “Our government is hamstrung by excessive partisanship and the politics of small thinking. There’s no better proof of that than the dysfunction over health care – a cynical, political, deeply flawed and cruel approach to policymaking that we as a nation can no longer afford. We are letting critical opportunities to improve the country pass us by. And we are not even talking about the most important thing: the future. The victims of this leadership failure are the good people we are sworn to serve, and we are leaving our country ill-prepared for dramatic changes ahead.”
Delaney grew up in a blue-collar union household and his parents did not attend college. Before the age of 40, he founded and led two publicly-traded companies. Since 2013, Delaney has represented Maryland’s Sixth District in the House of Representatives, a competitive battleground district, and he has received national recognition for his breakthrough bipartisan infrastructure bill, which uses revenues from international tax reform to rebuild America’s roads and bridges. Delaney was named one of the World’s 50 Greatest Leaders by Fortune earlier this year. Delaney will be in Iowa this August and will build out his campaign team and national infrastructure over the next year. “This is the beginning of a long process of traveling the country, sharing my thoughts on moving the country forward, hearing from folks and building a campaign built on new ideas and problem solving, from the grass roots up,” Delaney said. “It didn’t feel right to run for re-election and then run for President. That’s standard politics, but I don’t intend to offer a standard campaign,” Delaney concluded. “I’m in for the long haul, one voter at a time. I’m excited to listen, learn and make my case for a future that works for everyone, a future that delivers on the promise of the American Dream.”
Source: Friends of John Delaney
John Delaney 2020 Website
January 2, 2019
John Delaney 2020 Website
January 31, 2020
John Delaney Announces Decision to Withdraw From 2020 Race
DES MOINES, IA - Today, 2020 Presidential candidate John Delaney announces his decision to withdraw from the 2020 race. This decision is informed by internal analyses indicating John's support is not sufficient to meet the 15% viability in a material number of caucus precincts, but sufficient enough to cause other moderate candidates to not to make the viability threshold, especially in rural areas where John has campaigned harder than anyone. He strongly believes the Democratic Party should advance candidates with progressive values on the big issues of our time, but who are committed to governing with pragmatic, fact-based, bipartisan solutions. This approach – which is what successfully won back the House in 2018 – beats Trump, unifies our nation and gets things done. We have many candidates in the 2020 race, running in Iowa and otherwise, who meet these criteria. John does not want the good work of his campaign to make it harder for those like-minded candidates on the bubble of viability in many Iowa precincts to advance in the Iowa caucuses and garner delegates.
John’s statement:
“It has been a privilege to campaign for the Democratic nomination for President, but it is clear that God has a different purpose for me at this moment in time. I leave this race with a profound sense of gratitude to the voters who shared with me their hopes and concerns for our magnificent country, in admiration for the other contenders for the nomination and proud of the work we did to change the debate.
I want to thank my team members, particularly those who loyally stood with me these last few months, our volunteers, supporters and friends for their incredible work, encouragement and support during our campaign. It was a privilege to work with you on this journey, I will be grateful for you until my last days and I look forward to our work ahead. Most importantly, I want to thank my extraordinary wife, April, and my amazing daughters, Summer, Brooke, Lily and Grace, for their love and encouragement. I thank God, every day, for the love and blessing of my family.
We need to provide workable solutions to the economic issues facing hardworking Americans, create opportunity for young people in all communities, restore a sense of unity and common purpose to our nation, and re-establish the United States as an engaged global leader. I believe our campaign was unique in its consistent focus on these four themes. Our economic, environmental and technological future is dependent upon the choices we make and the actions we take. For too long we have made bad choices and failed to act; we must change course.
This race was never about me, but about ideas and doing what’s right for our nation. The unique and data-driven ideas that our campaign generated – on how to create a functional universal health care system, price carbon, advance trade, invest in rural America, cure disease, help workers, launch negative emissions technologies, reform education, and expand national service – are now ideas for the party and I will continue to advocate for them in my next chapter. In addition, I encourage the party to sharpen its focus on the growing opportunity inequality that exists in both rural America and struggling urban communities. The concentration of start-ups and investment capital in a small number of areas is troubling and smart public policy is needed to encourage entrepreneurs to start businesses everywhere. Smart public-private partnerships can encourage entrepreneurs to locate in small-town America and struggling inner cities.
Never bet against the United States of America. This is a remarkable nation full of wonderful and patriotic people. People who love their country, their neighbors and their families. People who work tirelessly, who innovate, and who give of their time and resources. People who care, deeply, about the character and decency of this nation. Because of them, we have every advantage any nation could possibly want to have in 2020, except for one problem: we are a deeply divided nation. The good news is that we can fix that problem, but we have to fix it together. Step one is to beat Donald Trump and restore decency to the Office of the President. In many ways, this is all that matters and I am fully committed to supporting our nominee and fulfilling that mission. Step two is to get our government working for the American people again. Step three is to focus on the future and leave the world better than we found it. The Democratic party must respond to this calling.
Let’s stop the nonsense of unrealistic and divisive campaign promises and be the party the American people need – a decent, unifying, future-focused and common-sense party. And please don’t listen to the cynics, the naysayers and the dividers; while we have significant challenges and too many Americans are struggling, the world gets better every year and the United States of America has driven much of this progress - let’s keep it that way.
Onward and upward and God Bless America.”
Source: Friends of John Delaney